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How Do You Spend Your Saturday Mornings?

Written By Aaron "K Nine" Washington on Saturday, December 13, 2008 | 6:30 PM

Greetings and once again welcome to the Second Thought……..

Just to refresh your memory, we are that Second Thought when you wonder things like:

“Should I eat this?”

“How would my progress suffer if I SKIPPED today’s workout?”

“Can I lose 100lbs in a month and would it be safe to do so?”

The questions that you already know the answer to, however you want positive reinforcement as to which path to take. That’s what we provide here at Physical Innovations Second Thought.

Today I will talk about how a positive influence can affect every facet of a child’s life. As some of you may know I have a few clients that are in high school and I am proud to say that if they stay on the course that they are on and stay injury free then we will see them enter and graduate college. Then hopefully go on to do great things and fulfill their dreams of playing Professional Football. Regardless of whether or not they make it to the professional level they will be successful because of their drive and the love and encouragement they receive at home.

I will say first and foremost that I am thoroughly impressed with how involved both of their mother’s are in their lives. In this day and age I have found that many parents either lack the desire or the ability to encourage their children to push themselves academically or physically thru organized sports. The “digital babysitter” seems to be how children now days get their information rather than from the parents. The personal interaction between parents and children seems to be a lost art. Talk to your children frequently and make sure that you stay an active participant in their lives. Now I am NOT picking on anyone nor do I mean to step on anyone’s toes. These ladies put in the time and they understand one simple rule “You do what you do just remember that you WILL get in what you put out!!!”

Before anyone gets judgmental and says “Well I just don’t have that kind of time” I want you to understand that the mothers that I deal with are both single parents that work. As a matter of fact they are two of the hardest working individuals that I have ever met, however they are both EXTREMELY involved in the personal and professional development of their children. They understand that idle hands are the devil’s playground so they ENCOURAGE their boy’s to always study hard, do what’s right, push themselves and never give up. On the flip side they (Jamal Hadley, Orange sweatshirt, 15 years old and Sam Graham, Black T-shirt, 14 years old; remember these two names because you will hear GREAT things from these young men in the future ) give 110%. They push hard and work every day to improve their speed, agility and strength. They stay out of trouble, study hard and give every effort to do the right thing. Now they are teenage boys so some mischief is bound to take place but because of the positive influence of their parents they keep it to a minimum. The videos that you see are of Sam and Jamal on a Saturday morning. So if you are not up and moving or on your way to train on a Saturday morning, just remember that there are two teenage boys out there GETTIN’ IT DONE!!!

So before you let your child just walk out the door stop and ask “How ya been?” or “Is there anything at school that you want to do?” You might be surprised by the answer.


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