Back..........For the First Time

Written By Aaron "K Nine" Washington on Saturday, April 20, 2013 | 12:07 AM

Greetings!!! It's been a LONG time since I have made a post. Now that's now because I didn't have anything to say or that I haven't been busy mind you. To the contrary, I have had PLENTY to cover which I am now fully prepared to do on a regular basis. I stepped away from the writing to get a fresh new perspective on what it is exactly that YOU, the consumer needed to hear. I picked up an even more reputable certification with the ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association). I have been even MORE hands on with clients, testing theories about training and even using myself as a petri dish all with the purpose of giving you the BEST information possible. I have been interfacing with some of the up and coming supplement companies like Lecheek Nutrition, Redefine Nutrition(FINAFLEX) and PURUS Labs that are putting out MIND BLOWING, cutting edge products with top notch quality.

 In the coming months I will be posting everything from WHY you need to find a credentialed professional for your personal needs to how to properly take your supplements (85%-90% of you are doing it WRONG!).  I will be posting information to GREAT trainers in your area to what gyms are most vacation friendly (meaning they won't charge you $35 dollars a day.......).

 For some time now I have had 2 different companies under one roof. As you can imagine there was A LOT of crossover between the Fitness side (Physical Innovations) and the Nutrition side (Big Nerd Nutrition). So I decided to merge the 2 in the interest of simplicity for myself as well as friends of each site, followers of the Blog and individuals that purchase supplements from me. With the re-branding you can see that the name Big Nerd won out as the primary name for recognition purposes (it has quite a ring to it, lol). Nothing about how business is done will change. Everything with any of my companies hinges on RESULTS, ACCURACY and first and foremost INTEGRITY. As always the information that will be presented will be done so with wit and that edgy style that you all like to get from me.

 So get ready for the ride and welcome to Big Nerd Nutrition and Fitness (formerly Physical Innovations).


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